"Memcara has been able to help my staff connect with residents we previously thought were unable to engage."
Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada​
Oli, Program Manager

Lalaine, Nursing Home Administrator
"​I tried [Memcara] myself and I noticed that the ladies got engaged...and they were amazed, focused, listening, and they were nodding their heads. And one individual who usually doesn't talk, I was surprised because she was responding [to the program] saying "yes" and was all smiles."​​
Duval Country, Florida

Karen, Program Manager
"When I started the (CareSuite™) session, his mood began at terrible, and after a 30-minute session, his mood lifted to amazing. I found this same result when I was doing a session with 2 other sundowning residents in the late afternoon."
Lee County, Florida

Stoyan, family caregiver for a parent with dementia
"My mother spontaneously laughed as the images and music brought back joyful memories from her childhood. The whole family began laughing together with her. Thank you!"​
Ontario, Cananda

Emily, Memory Care Director
"I love using Memcara as a tool to help connect with the residents and lift their moods. Their faces light up when I even come in the room because they remember how fun the program is. One resident even calls me “the music lady” and loves to sing and clap along to the songs Memcara has. The visuals are spectacular. I have had many residents say that and I agree."
Lee County, Florida

Brenda, Recreation Director
"We use the program in the our special needs unit (memory care unit). It is a great experience! The programs are excellent!"
Northumberland County, Canada

Laura, Activity Director
"The videos have truly been a blessing for my staff, residents and I. They are great for any population. They are meaningful...They are educational... And it is also great for those who need sensory stimulation. They are great as we can provide the residents with independent activities daily."
Ulster County, New York

Donna, Life Enrichment Director
"We use the program in both Memory Care and Assisted Living. Everyone loves it...it really works so well in Memory Care since we can use it anytime!...I don't think we will ever stop using Memcara Programs."
Westchester County, New York

Jaclyn, Recreation Director
"We are loving the programs! We actually made every Wednesday the Memory Music Box day. I got a lot of nice feedback... It's really helped us come up with more programming. Thanks!"
Rockland County, New York

Jessica, Recreation Therapist
"The residents that have been participating in the program have really enjoyed it. We look forward to your next program!"
Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada

Olivia, Recreation Therapist
"We have one resident who is constantly walking and would not rest for more than a couple of minutes at a time. After a few weeks of engagement in Memcara, she can enjoy an entire 15-minute program, smiling and laughing and engaging in the session."
Ulster County, New York

Chris, Recreation Therapist
"I have been using the program to help one resident who is always disruptive and calling out in the afternoon. The program really works with him. He calms down and enjoys the sessions very much. It has been a great help"
Dutchess County, New York