Frequently Asked Questions
What is Memcara?
Memcara is an online comprehensive memory care application that includes engaging content in music, movement, and memory/cognitive-based therapies.
Who can benefit from Memcara?
While Memcara is specifically designed for individuals experiencing memory loss, it can also be enjoyed by any older adult wishing to find engaging music, simple movement-stretching programs and memory games. Our programs create opportunities that elicit memory recall, use imagination, inspire physical movement and provide engagement for individuals within various stages of memory loss, levels of mobility, and willingness to participate.
Is the program based on research?
Yes, the positive effect of music and movement on those experiencing memory loss has long been observed. Much like daily physical exercises to maintain health and flexibility, Memcara was designed to be a daily strengthening program for the mind. Memcara's CareSuite programs create the opportunity for cognitive lift and elicit more meaningful interactions in the caregiver-care recipient relationship, as well as improve overall quality of life.
How can it help caregivers?
Memcara was created with the caregiver in mind. Our programs allow caregivers to provide varying levels of involvement. The programs can be viewed independently or as a progrm to activate communication between caregiver and care recipient.
Do you need to use CareSuite™ programs daily?
Research shows that lack of meaningful engagement can lead to poor outcomes. Therefore, we suggest engaging in program content at least 3 days a week, but daily is optimal.